How to make Firefox web browser much faster through pipelines
Posted by Guruh Mandala on 19 August 2009 02:25 PM
How to make Firefox web browser much faster through pipelines Author: G0NZ0
You may have noticed that the browser will make one request to a web
page at a time, as do most web browsers currently on the internet. This
is due to Firefox's configuration for the pipelines, which you can take
advantage of that by making some simple modifications to its
configuration file.
- First in the URL bar, Type "about:config". This will bring up a list of commands and variables you can edit.
- The second step is to put "network.http.pipelining" in the filter and change the value to "true".
- After that put "network.http.proxy.pipelining" in the filter and make that value set to "true" also.
- The next thing is locate "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests"
and change the value to some number higher, if you were to set it to
10, it would make up to 10 requests at once.
- Then right click anywhere and select "New" then "Integer".
Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and make its value "0". This will
make the browser respond faster on the information of the websites it
- Disable IPv6
(but better doing it at the config level of the kernel too; see here
network.dns.disableIPv6 set to true
- Close out Firefox (Firefox is known to not always close
properly; view the Task Manager to ensure it closed out completely) and
re-open it and enjoy the new mega speed!
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